For many meals the sauce takes a central position. It's always referred to on the menu and it's being discussed in detail during reviews. It takes a lot of attention and time to prepare a sauce. Cooking a sauce is an art, it's the crowning glory of a meal.
Product Range
Bechamel, Bearnaise, Roasted Beef, Mushroom, Curry, Demi-Glace, Hollandaise, Game, Pepper, Pink Fish, Spaghetti, Spanish, Stew, Tomato, Vol-Au-Vent, Sweet & Sour.

With the sauces of Flandria Foods you can serve the most delicious sauces in seconds. They combine features that are important for our customers. In no time you can prepare famous sauces without time consuming and complex activities that are regularly seen with these types of sauces.
The sauces work perfectly as finished products. Creative chefs use them as a base to finish them with a personal touch. However, every time you work with these sauces, the cost remains under control and is predictable.
Thanks to the simplicity of the preparation, you can always guarantee the same flavour at any moment of the year and in any location. In that way your flavour can become the identity of your business.
Catering businesses but also schools and hospitals realise the value of these features. You can find our products in their storage room.
The sauce product range of Flandria Foods contains over 10 flavours, offered as powder to maximise your storage capacity. This physical form guarantees a long shelf life. So you don't need to bother every week with ordering and receiving goods. You can use your valuable time for the activities you really like and that immediately have a profitable return.
We all have to be very careful with the environment, the available resources and raw materials. Unnecessary double packaging or packaging that is too small increases the worldwide waste volume and the related costs. The 10kg or 20kg packaging of Flandria Foods reduces your waste and your cost.
That little extra
If you want give your sauce that little extra, please check out what the Flandria Foods broths are capable of.